
Other Peoples Windows

Today I want to go off topic a bit. I was sitting here earlier trying to get some work done, watching my daughter play and my husband work out. I was lost in thought about my ever growing list of things to do. School is getting ready to start next week for my youngest daughter and we are still not ready. I have obligations to watch my beautiful little grand daughter the next few days to give my oldest daughter a break. I have promises to keep for friends that need me right now. I have a business to run with hundreds of people counting on my staying on track and I have all the little things to take care of that are just a part of daily life.

I spent time reflecting on other peoples lives and caught myself thinking how wonderful it would be to have a perfect life like they do, to always be organized, to always be ready or prepared for anything with zero notice. I talked myself into believing that other moms are super moms. That they take on every second of every day like it’s nothing. I envisioned women who flawlessly raise their children, work, volunteer and seem to pop out of bed each morning as if their hair and makeup magically fixes itself each night while they sleep. They never look or seem tired, they always have that “I do it all and then some” attitude, and overall they seem like pretty amazing people. Maybe even less like people and more like super heroes.

How can I achieve that? How can I ever compare? How can my life be that amazing?

Then, as quickly as I started peering into the windows of other peoples lives it occurred to me that it’s just our own human nature to criticize ourselves. No one is harder on me than I am on myself. I am constantly pushing myself to do more, be more, give more. I realized that as I appreciate how wonderful other people are, and how flawless they seem…there are probably people who feel the same way about us.

I’m far from perfect. I wish I had all of my back to school shopping done. I wish I could manage take more time in the morning to style my hair perfectly instead of pulling it in a pony every day. I wish I was one of those super multitasking moms who seem to accomplish everything they set out to do and more.

But I do not wish for a different life.

I’m pretty blessed. I just need to remind myself why. I have an amazing husband and two beautiful, healthy daughters. I now have a grand daughter that I adore. I take care of a dozen plus rescue pets every day and love every second of it. I take my grand daughter whenever my daughter asks me to and am lucky I get to spend so much time with her. I volunteer for the school every year, all year because it‘s something I really enjoy. I make dinner for my family and love to cook. I run errands and do all the shopping. I run a successful home business that I‘m proud of. I have the most amazing friends. I throw parties and host holidays and I love every second of it.

I know I don’t do nearly as much as others. There are some mom’s I know that are juggling 3,4,5 or more kids, grand kids, work, life and everything in between. It’s not easy but  you never complain. I know how hard you have to push yourself to get through each and every day with a smile no matter how exhausted you are!

I stand up and applaud each and every one of you.

Be proud of your own life and accomplishments. Remind yourself each day of how amazing you really are. Remember that no matter how easy some people make it look, even they have their own daily battles to face. Some of us do it in sweats with our hair pulled up, others in a dress and pearls. No matter how you take on each day, give yourself a huge pat on the back because you do and remember….

Other peoples lives are not as flawless as they seem…maybe they just have really nice windows.

Peace, Love & Success!

Christine Mikulski