
The Good, The Bad & The Paper Bag Ugly!

Anyone who spends more than 5 minutes in network marketing, will come across various types of people. There are actually more than 3 categories we can place these people in, but for this blog post we will focus on just these 3.

The Good; These can be people who have either been in networking for many years or who are new. Their main interest is in helping others. They are always honest and sincere and will go out of their way to make sure the people they sponsor get all the help they need whether it's through their own experience, or by finding the answers needed to help their people grow. They are never unscrupulous in their marketing tactics and always focus on building relationships first. Their team is their top priority and they are always happy to help when you need them. They love their company, love their products and you can count on the fact that they will be with their company and with you for a very long time.

The Bad; These are people who probably started out with good intentions but their focus quickly shifted to making a quick buck. They will say just about anything to get people to join them or buy from them and focus solely on themselves. You will be hard pressed to get help from a bad marketer if you need it. When pressed for help they will typically spin it around to make you feel like it's your fault you're failing and inevitably will hop from company to company leaving you completely alone until they decide to try and recruit you into their next venture. They rarely know the definition of the word team. There is hope for this kind of marketer, many of them didn't start out like this but instead they are following the lead of an Ugly marketer, are just doing what they were told too and they still have time to change.

The Paper Bag Ugly; This is the absolute worst kind of marketer. These are people who never had good intentions to begin with or who were trained by others from the start to be this way. They would rather steal your contact list than build their own. They like to prey on your friends and team members on social media sites behind your back. Their number one marketing tactic is to make you/your company look bad as a way to build their own business. Their number one approach is to lie. They preach "fake it til you make it" and they thrive on spamming people. There is rarely if any help for these people as they don't want to change. They are like locusts moving from company to company leaving a wake of people left wondering what happened in their path.

If you are new to marketing, follow good people and you will be in good hands. If you have to questions someones motives or their approach then you are better off not joining them.

Each new day brings you a chance to learn and grow. Never stop moving forward, always put others first and be good to everyone you meet.

- Christine Mikulski