
Network Marketing - The Last Hope

Dun dun dun!!! The last hope, the last frontier...the last of the Mohican's!

O.k., maybe it's not that dramatic, or is it? Calling network marketing the last hope is a bold statement, so why would I say it? It's because it's true, at least it is for the 99%.

The majority of the population of the world will never know what it's like to have any more than they do right now, at this very moment. They want more, they need more. They just don't know how to go about getting more. If there were an easy solution to the financial woes of the world everyone would take action.

It's this want and need for a better lifestyle that has people running to every corner gas station in the country multiple times a week to buy lottery tickets. They know that their chances of winning that huge life changing jackpot are slim, but they just have to try. Then they hold onto that ticket and talk about all of the good they could do if they just win. They pray for it, beg for it, hope for it and even make promises of charity and good will to anyone who will listen thinking it will boost their chances. In the end, they are still in the same position as before they bought the ticket, but it was still fun to dream about it.

I wish we lived in a world where everyone was given the same exact opportunity to own their own successful business from the time they are born. That there was an office, a restaurant, a salon, or a store all set up and waiting for them to take ownership once they turned 21. They would start out in life knowing they will never have to decide if they pay their mortgage, or buy food. That they would never have to tell their children they can't have that new pair of shoes or an ice cram after school.  I wish that people never had to know what it was like to struggle, or even just get by while watching others succeed.

It's a nice thought, right? You may be reading this wondering where I'm going with this...why hopes and dreams for a better world full of real opportunities has anything to do with the topic at hand.

It has absolutely everything to do with it. The things I talked about don't have to be dreams, they can be a reality. A dream that is brought to life by what I feel is the most amazing industry in the world, network marketing. Network Marketing is the last hope. It's the last hope for average people to do extraordinary things. It is the only industry that gives absolutely everyone on the planet an opportunity to own their own successful business and create that winning lottery ticket. It gives people the chance to take control of their own life and destiny and not continue to be stuck where they are now, for the rest of their lives. It gives everyone a chance to start something amazing with very little investment, sometimes just dollars. Getting a high paid job can cost you tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in education. Opening a store or restaurant or any business can cost you even more. The majority of all people can not afford to do these things, but they absolutely can afford network marketing.

Network marketing is an opportunity for people to make their future what they want it to be. If you want to make money from home, network marketing is your answer. If you want to be your own boss but still have the help and support of an entire organization, network marketing is your answer. If you want to have unlimited earning potential that is determined by you and not someone else, network marketing is your answer. If you want to have the freedom to work around your schedule, network marketing is your answer. If you are tired of juggling bills and telling your children you don't have the money, network marketing can change all of that right now.

As long as you have dreams, are motivated and ready to make your life what it should be. Network marketing will be the answer to your prayers. There is no such thing as get rich quick, unless you are one of the lucky few who strike oil while planting tomatoes or buy that winning lottery ticket, but there is such a thing as work hard get rich. I work hard every day, but it's not hard work.

I am in love with everything about network marketing, it amazes me every day that everyone can have the same opportunity to be financially free.

Never stop trying, never let others bring you down, be what you are worth!

Love Peace, Happieness & Success

Christine Mikulski